As one of the most powerful and simple methods, we use LOD - Leading Out of Drama ® and the concept of Compassionate Accountability in negotiations and in dealing with conflicts. LOD Facilitator is a training course for negotiation professionals, leaders, coaches, consultants, ... interested parties who have had enough of energy-draining dramas.
Conflict is the difference between what we experience and what we want: short and to the point. It is energy that we can use destructively or constructively and we can choose how to proceed.
Use a drama resilience assessment to take stock of your conflict behavior.
Train your compassion skills and develop them irrevocably.
Lead yourself and others out of conflicts and into innovation and cooperation, where safe openness, an atmosphere of curiosity and consistency are lived by as values.
Accompany others to integrate Compassionate Accountability into their professional and personal lives.
Target Audience
C-level, CEOs
Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Lawyers, Innovators
Operative negotiations (e.g. project management, sales, purchasing, key accounts,...)
Policy makers, NGOs
High potentials
Your Benefits
After you certification you are eligible
To create drama resilience assessments and to convey them in a Conflict & You workshop
With the help of a leadership application package, you will deepen the daily practice with interested people on the topics: Drama-free meetings , performance reviews and apologies as well as daily contact with colleagues
Using MyNE , the online platform for your organization and access to current resources as a LOD professional
NEOS to use the online system to evaluate the effectiveness of training measures and to make it available to your customers
Within what time frame does the program take place?
The topics are divided into 4 modules and are taught over a total of 16 days. The supervision, peer group meetings and the study of literature take another four days.
Is there a detailed description of the program?
Please find the folder with the curriculum details at the top of the page and feel free to contact our Vienna office for further questions.
Is the negotiation program also offered internally?
Depending on the number of participants, the Vienna School of Negotiation offers full flexibility. For a customized offer in terms of size, language, location and content, please contact our office in Vienna.
Are there special offers for large groups?
For multiple participants from companies we offer special prices as well as the possibility of individualizing the course content. For more information, please contact our office in Vienna.