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You are ready to negotiate.

Your team too?

Are you ready to negotiate.
Your team too?

Do you know your status?
Take a Negotiator Agility Assessment (NAA).

The NAA determines your flexibility in negotiations, especially when the going gets tough.
Are your tools, skills and talents available at the negotiating table?

The NAA is conducted by two certified Vienna School experts and based on two licensed personality profiles: your PCM Personality Profile and your current Drama Resilience Assessment™.

Agile negotiators use their talents regardless of the circumstances, understand the creative potential of conflicts and lead themselves and others constructively to good outcomes.


Certified Negotiation Facilitator :: starting again for the 9th time

Negotiation professionals are agile, use their intellect and their knowledge of human nature to lead themselves and others to remarkable results. Coincidence? Innate talent?

Expand your tool boxes and design conversations, collaborations and conflicts with competence.

Get certified and start with your very own Negotiator Agility Assessment .


  • Excellent results in terms of content

  • Humanly authentic and without collateral damage

  • Elegant processes and efficient meeting design

... no matter who you are negotiating with

At the same time, we start the first Vienna School Negotiation Practitioner on January 10th, 2024 :: 9 days

Image by krakenimages

Zertifizierung zum Cooperation Practitioner :: 2. Lehrgang :: 9 Tage

Zertifizierte Wiener Schule Cooperation Practitioner wissen um die Macht von guter zwischenmenschlicher und inhaltlicher Zusammenarbeit.


Ziele dieser Weiterbildung sind akademisch fundierte und praktische Werkzeuge zu kennen,  das eigene Repertoire an essentiellen Fähigkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zu erweitern und die Passion für konstruktive Zusammenarbeit und gute Lösungen lebendig zu halten.

Für Menschen, die die Werkzeugkiste erweitern wollen, weniger Zeit haben und doch eine gemeinsame Sprache entwickeln wollen. 

Certified LOD Facilitator

As one of the most powerful and simple methods, we use LOD - Leading Out of Drama® and the concept of Compassionate Accountability in negotiations and in dealing with conflicts. LOD Facilitator is a training course for negotiation professionals, leaders, coaches, consultants, ... interested parties who have had enough of energy-draining dramas.

Conflict is the difference between what we experience and what we want: short and to the point. It is energy that we can use destructively or constructively and we can choose how to proceed.

  • Use a drama resilience assessment to take stock of your conflict behavior.

  • Train your compassion skills and develop them irrevocably.

  • Lead yourself and others out of conflicts and into innovation and cooperation, where safe openness, an atmosphere of curiosity and consistency are lived by as values.

  • Accompany others to integrate Compassionate Accountability into their professional and personal lives.


After your certification you are eligible to

  • Create Drama Resilience Assessments for individuals and teams.

  • Facilitate practical Conflict & You workshops and reflections

  • Check the organisational capacity when dealing with conflicts and identify areas for improvement..

  • Deepen daily leadership practices on the topics such as: Drama-free meetings and daily contacts, performance reviews and apologies

  • Use MyNE, an online platform to manage your clients and outcomes

  • Access current resources as certified LOD professional

  • Use NEOS and IMPACT to evaluate the effectiveness of training measures and impact; while  making the results available to your customers

Gerne zertifizieren wir wichtige Führungspersonen und Verhandler:innen ab 4-6 Personen auch innerhalb deiner Organisation - als Cooperation Practitioner, Negotiation Facilitator oder LOD Facilitator - für erhöhte Selbstwirksamkeit.

  • Mastering Negotiations - Professionell kooperieren & konstruktiv streiten
    Mastering Negotiations - Professionell kooperieren & konstruktiv streiten
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Dec 04
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung
    Dec 04, 2024, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Dec 06, 2024, 4:30 PM GMT+1
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7/7, 1010 Wien, Österreich
    Dec 04, 2024, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Dec 06, 2024, 4:30 PM GMT+1
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7/7, 1010 Wien, Österreich
    Wie erfolgreich bist du beim Aushandeln von wichtigen Anliegen? Bist du fit? Sind Werkzeuge und Kompetenzen auf dem letzten Stand? Mach den Wiener Schule Status Check & dein Drama Resilienz Assessment. DEUTSCH - EUR 2.290 .- (exkl. UST) :: Unter der Leitung von SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ mit ANDREAS KOVAR
  • 2. Cooperation Practitioner for Politics - 9 days of professional Vienna School negotiator toolkit
    2. Cooperation Practitioner for Politics - 9 days of professional Vienna School negotiator toolkit
    Mon, Jan 13
    Vienna School of Negotiation
    Jan 13, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – May 08, 2025, 6:00 PM GMT+2
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    Jan 13, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – May 08, 2025, 6:00 PM GMT+2
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    Continue your journey from seasoned practitioner to certified negotiation professional with the innovative Vienna School Toolkit. Discover your passion for negotiation and work towards sustainable negotiation success without collateral damage. Assess in advance your agility as negotiator. - Program held in GERMAN, lead by SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ. Tuition of EUR 5,970,- (excl. VAT)
  • 10th Negotiation Facilitator Program - your certification 5 modules
    10th Negotiation Facilitator Program - your certification 5 modules
    Mon, Jan 13
    Vienna School of Negotiation
    Jan 13, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Aug 29, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+2
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    Jan 13, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Aug 29, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+2
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    Political practices enhanced by the innovative Vienna School toolkit of certified negotiation professionals. Good politics and negotiation success without collateral damage. A Negotiator Agility Assessment starts your journey. GERMAN - EUR 11.900 .- (excl. VAT) :: Leader SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ
  • Kommunikation trifft  Persönlichkeit :: Das Process Communication Model®
    Kommunikation trifft  Persönlichkeit :: Das Process Communication Model®
    Tue, Jan 14
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung
    Jan 14, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Jan 15, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+1
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
    Jan 14, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Jan 15, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+1
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
    Erkennen von unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeitstypen, Motivation, Kommunikations- und Konfliktverhalten. Nutze das eigene PCM PERSÖNLICHKEITSPROFIL, um wirkungsvoll zu kommunizieren & zu führen; vor allem, wenn es schwierig wird. - DEUTSCH - EUR 1.190,- (exkl. UST) :: Mit SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ
  • Mastering Negotiations - from cooperation to conflict an back
    Mastering Negotiations - from cooperation to conflict an back
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, Jan 20
    Vienna School of Negotiation
    Jan 20, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Jan 22, 2025, 4:00 PM GMT+1
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7/7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    Jan 20, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+1 – Jan 22, 2025, 4:00 PM GMT+1
    Vienna School of Negotiation, Dorotheergasse 7/7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    How successful are you at negotiating important issues? Are you fit? Are your tools and essential skills up to date? Take the Vienna School Status Check & get your Drama Resilience Assessment. ENGLISH - EUR 2.790 .- (excl. VAT) :: Lead by SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ with keynote of ANDREAS KOVAR
  • Sich Selbst und andere in Konflikten führen mit Compassionate Accountability™
    Sich Selbst und andere in Konflikten führen mit Compassionate Accountability™
    Tue, May 06
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung
    May 06, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+2 – May 07, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+2
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
    May 06, 2025, 9:30 AM GMT+2 – May 07, 2025, 5:00 PM GMT+2
    Wiener Schule der Verhandlungsführung, Dorotheergasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
    Gewinne neue Einsichten und konkreten Praktiken, um Dich und andere in Konflikten zu führen. Nutze Dein Drama Resilience Assessment als Ausgang, um Deinen Umgang mit Konflikten zu stärken: Leading Out of Drama® mit weniger Kollateralschaden. - DEUTSCH :: EUR 1.090.- (exkl.UST) :: Mit SONJA RAUSCHÜTZ
  • NATURE HEALING :: TE PLAYSHOP :: Growing - Showing - Connecting
    NATURE HEALING :: TE PLAYSHOP :: Growing - Showing - Connecting
    Mon, Jul 14
    Jul 14, 2025, 6:00 PM GMT+2 – Jul 18, 2025, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    Holzöstersee, Holzleithen 15, 5131 Franking, Austria
    Jul 14, 2025, 6:00 PM GMT+2 – Jul 18, 2025, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    Holzöstersee, Holzleithen 15, 5131 Franking, Austria
    Relaxed mindfulness combined with joyful play. Take a leap forward. Join the Tri-Energetics Nature Healing with healthy TE practices for body, mind & spirit. Experience real connections while continuing your journey full-on. - ENGLISH with German translation. Tuition EUR 590.- & TE Graduates €480-
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